

We practice fear-free science based training methods. We know that the scientific evidence has proven the benefit of positive reinforcement and shown there can be detriment by using harsh methods. 

What Happens WHen My DOg Gets Something right?

Rewarded! Rewards can be food, toys, attention, or letting the dog do something it wants to do like sniff, “go say hi”, run etc!

What Happens When My Dog Gets Something WRong?

We figure out how we can change the criteria (make it easier) for the dog and human to be successful next time. 

Do you use clickers?

I personally dislike using clickers because I don’t find myself coordinated enough to use one. Instead, I use “Marker Training” with a word like “yes” to indicate the correct behavior to the dog.

Have you ever trained _____ breed before?

Probably yes! All breeds of dog learn the same through positive reinforcement (rewards!) and negative punishment (removing rewards). 

What are your Qualifications?

I have many years of experience learning about dog training and how to teach classes from my mentors Anne Springer and Diane Kurkjian. In September 2021, I became a Certified Pet Dog Trainer – Knowledge Assessed (CPDT-KA) the only independent dog trainer certification after 300 hours of learning and passing a 180 question exam. This requires 12 hours of Continuing Education credits every year thereafter.